Round the Island Race 2022 – Clockwise or Anti-Clockwise?
21 February 2022

Saturday, March 12th, will see Howth Yacht Club hosting its Round The Island Race, sponsored by Key Capital. This event traditionally marks the end of the HYC Winter Frostbite series which, as the offspring of the appearance of the revolutionary Laser dinghy in the 70s, has now been running for nearly 50 years and continues to provide excellent racing for sailors from a variety of Clubs and age groups at a time of the year when lie-ins and the fireside used to be the weekend norm.
The 'RTIR' this year will be different. In addition to racing for the ILCAs (the rechristened Laser – a long story),
the RS Aeros will join the fun and other dinghies wanting to get involved can race using the Portsmouth Yardstick (PY) handicap system. The RS Aero is a modern lightweight single-handed dinghy with a growing fleet based in Howth and they expect to be joined by several visiting Class mates to enjoy the unique experience of racing around an island. Interest has also been expressed by owners of an RS 800, RS 600, several RS Fevas, 420s and a 470. Boats that have been racing all winter in Dun Laoghaire Harbour and at the other Frostbite venues around the country are particularly welcome to take on the challenge.

Anyone sailing a dinghy, single or doublehanded, with a PY rating and a similar performance to the ILCAs and Aeros is invited to enter for a great day of racing and socialising as the Round the Island makes its comeback after a two-year absence caused by the distraction of national events that shall be left nameless. Help to put the winter season behind us and get Summer Season 2022 up and running.

Dinghies already entered for the HYC Frostbite Spring Series get free entry to the event and those who have not can enter online HERE.
The plan for the day is a 09.30 briefing ashore at the HYC race office, a warm-up race (warning signal 10.55am) over a course laid in Howth Sound to get proceedings afloat under way and then the main event - the expedition around Ireland’s Eye. The start and finish lines for the RTIR will be in Howth Sound and, between crossing them, the Island must be left to port or starboard at each competitor’s discretion.
Lunch and the prize giving for both the Frostbite Series and Round the Island are an option after racing and, to round out a sporting day, the TVs in the Clubhouse will show England taking on Ireland at 16.45.
Let’s see you on the water on March 12th and thanks to Key Capital, sponsors of HYC’s Winter Dinghy Series.

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