Marina Piling Works to Commence 1 November 2021

Please be aware that the Marina piling works will commence on the 1 November. Ten piles will be inserted and it is expected that the operation will take a month.
The plan is that the piling barge will be assembled on the 1st of November on the East Pier with the piling rig loaded from the public slip on the 2nd. Piling is intended to commence next week once all the equipment is in place.
Note that the barge is 15 metres long by 10 metres wide and is moved into position by a dual jet workboat.
There will be three new piles positioned on the end of the pontoon’s E/F, G/H and J/K and, as the rig extends at least 15 metres from the pontoon, those fairways will be partially obstructed during piling. Equally, some boats will be impeded in leaving their berth while piling takes place alongside the various pontoons, particularly in between the G/H and J/K pontoons. It is estimated that each pile will take approximately two days with the first pile inserted on the end of J/K.
As can be seen on the map attached, the fingers adjacent to each new pile position will have to be removed to allow access to the piling position. Members will be contacted by the Marina Office and asked to move their boats to other positions while this work is going on.
The Club reserves the right for its staff to move boats as necessary to accomplish access for the piling rig as it is important that piling is not delayed due to lack of access.
Colour coding for piling positions:
Red New piles planned for installation from November 2021
Green Original Greenheart (wood) piles
Blue Steel piles currently in position
Please note that when piling commences it will involve a significant number of boats being moved because pontoon fingers must be removed to allow piling rig access. The cooperation of members will be important in this regard.
Click here for a PDF of document with better view of map
Tom McMahon