Summer Cruise anchors in Sorrento Bay
16 August 2020

After a misty voyage from Howth, the Cruising Group Armada of over 20 yachts and over 100 crew anchored in the ebb of the cliffs surrounding Sorrento Bay. The heavens opened with brilliant Mediterranean sunshine allowing swimming and fishing activities to be pursued before picnicking for lunch. The Cruising Group were joined by our Commodore Ian Byrne and his partner Lea on their Yacht appropriately named Sunburn. Well we had a celebration of life in this wonderful and outstanding beautiful Bay. We had all made the effort and were rewarded with sunshine for our gallantry.
Gerry O'Neill can be seen supervising the ensemble on his deckchair on Gerryactric in the Gallery of photos attached below. On our return trip, many Guillemots were observed been pursued by their noisy fully grown chicks seeking food. Roseate terns were seen gliding in the skies above Dalkey Island. Gannets greeted us crossing Dublin Bay with their furious dives for fish across our bow.The colourful spinnakers of the Dublin Bay fleet were also a magical site. Harry the Harbour seal from Howth (photo of Harry in the Gallery below) bade our crew a welcome return to Howth Harbour and our berth after a glorious day's outing.
Many thanks to all participating Cruising Group Members for making this our best attended event so far this year.
Willie Kearney
Cruising Group Captain
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