Cruise to Skerries attracts a large fleet
13 July 2020

Last Saturday 11th July 2020, 20 Yachts of all sizes turned up for the Howth Cruising Group Annual Armada to Skerries Harbour . This was a great turnout for our Cruising Group.Skerries Sailing Club had prepared a tidy vacant harbour wall in advance of our landing. Several launches for those using the moorings were also allocated. Cruising Group members were made very welcome to the town with a lot of local people descending to the Harbour to meet the fleet with Admiral Gerry O'Neill in command.There was unfortunately little wind for sailing due to the extremely good weather on the day. Social distancing practices were fully complied with in the Harbour at all times.
Skerries Harbour in the 1880's was one of the largest fishing and trade port on the east coast. Exports included limestone for the vast building industry in the UK with the return cargo being mostly coal. Unfortunately with the invention of the steamship the trade faded away. A special thanks to all participating boats - see video below and gallery here: Cruising Group Trip to Skerries
Willie Kearney
Cruising Group Class Captain
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