'Boat for Hope' event entertains 50 special guests and their families

On Sunday 19th June 2016, Variety – the Children’s Charity of Ireland and HYC hosted our fourth ‘Boat for Hope’ event in Howth Yacht Club. More than 70 children with special needs and their families were invited to this giving day that saw adventure on both land and the high seas.
Pirate themed boat trips, which included pirate water battles and hunts for precious treasure, were followed by a BBQ, ice-cream, face-painting, balloon making and musical entertainment back on-shore. Despite the “dampness” a great day was had by all at the “Boat for Hope” including the “special needs children” their siblings, parents, carers, volunteers, boat owners, boat crews, entertainers and cooks.
Seeing the smiles on faces of people who never thought they would ever be given an opportunity to go to sea on a Pirate experience as a family or group which was facilitated by those involved in organising the special day was all they reward they wanted.
The 30 boats involved consisted of yachts and motorboats from Howth YC, Howth Sailing & Boat Club and Malahide. The Dublin Fire Brigade was in attendance to assist with embarking and disembarking people especially those confined to wheelchairs. Thankfully (!) the St. Johns First aid team did not get any patients and thus were able to assist throughout the event.
We were also honoured by the presence of the newly elected Mayor of Fingal, Darragh Butler.
Variety Ireland asked us to convey a huge thanks to all volunteers, sponsors, all the boats and their skippers and of course all the families who turned out! They would also like to thank friends in Dublin Fire Brigade , St John Ambulance Ireland , Irish Coast Guard and Howth RNLI for proving their expert services.
Pat Murphy, event Chairman
(Pics by Gerry Phelan of Variety Ireland)
About Variety Ireland: Since 1951, Variety - the Children's Charity of Ireland has been helping sick, disabled and disadvantaged children throughout the country. We are all volunteers.
We provide Sunshine Coaches, Liberty Swings, Trikes, Bikes & Wheelchairs and even organise outings to exciting places! This is all made possible by the on-going support from our volunteers who give generously both their time and money.
Please help us to help those who need it most and become a Volunteer or Donate Now!