Three Bridges Bow at Dublin Bay's Flotilla Liffey Passage

A number of HYC yachts joined the annual CAI 3 Bridges rally last weekend. In light winds, we sailed across Dublin Bay to enter Dublin Port and make our way towards the East Link bridge.
Phixius of HYC
At the appointed hour, the bridge was opened and the large group, flying flags and hooting horns, paraded through. From there, the flotilla continued slowly upriver, past the Samuel Beckett bridge and the Sean O’Casey footbridge which had been opened in our honour. Then, back downriver to tie up on the pontoon near the 3 Arena.
Recently restored Dublin Bay 21s
All this in blazing sunshine! What a day…Once berthed, the crews settled down to well-earned refreshments, watched by the passers-by.
Later that evening, the CAI dinner and fund-raising raffle for the RNLI was followed by music before everyone retired for the night.
After a leisurely breakfast, the flotilla launched for the 11am opening of the toll bridge. The sun came out again and, after clearing the traffic lane into the port, we had a lovely sail back to HYC.
Going through the toll bridge, following Tom Fitzpatrick's Saoirse