2025 Rolex New York YC Invitational Cup

Howth YC is pleased to announce that it has been invited to enter a team for the 2025 Rolex New York Yacht Club Invitational Cup.
Invitations for the 20 available spaces are issued by the New York YC to selected clubs within North America and around the World for this bi-annual regatta, which is renowned as being one of the most competitive ‘amateurs only’ keelboat events. HYC has been represented on the last two iterations of the regatta by teams lead by Darren Wright and by David Maguire. Both teams acquitted themselves well and we hope Howth will fly its burgee again in 2025.
The regatta is sailed at Newport, Rhode Island using NYYC’s own fleet of one design IC37s, a Mark Mills design, with each team chartering one of the Club’s fleet. The 2025 event will run from Saturday, September 6th through to September 13th.
The number of people racing on each boat is limited by the crew weight limit (686 kgs) and there are also requirements about nationality, World Sailing categorisation, gender mix, membership of the Club being represented, etc.
The crew representing Howth YC will be required to cover the cost of the entry fee, damage deposit and their attendance, including flights and accommodation. Full details, including the Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions, are available to view at the event website - https://nyyc.org/2025-rolex-nyyc-invitational-cup
The closing date for entries is 15th May 2024. Any member interested in assembling a team that will represent Howth YC at the event should contact me directly at [email protected]
Expressions of interest shall be received no later than midnight on Friday 3rd May 2024. If more than one expression of interest is received, a meeting with the interested parties will be convened to agree a selection process.
Emmet Dalton
Honorary Sailing Secretary