Squib Prizegiving Dinner goes off with a Bang

With increased participation, 3 new boat owners joining the HYC fleet and successes at the East Coast and Inland Championships, 2023 gave Squib sailors a lot to celebrate when 30 revelers came together for the annual Squib dinner and prize giving.
Presenting the prizes, Rear Commodore Gary Cullen commended the Class on its growth and noted the considerable contribution of the fleet to the running and success of various activities in HYC.
Unstoppable in the Tuesday series, reigning East Coast Champions, Emmet Dalton and Neal Merry (Kerfuffle), took home first prize in Series 1, 2, 3 and the Mini Series. In the HPH division, Tuesday Series 1 and 2 went to Carla Fagan and Dave Sargent (Tiger Roll, the Club's boat) and prizes for Series 3 and the Mini Series went home with Phil Merry and Ger Loughran (Aurora).
The Saturday series was dominated by Carla and Dave adding 1st place in Series 1 and 2 to Tiger Roll’s haul. Could they have done the treble with Series 3? We’ll never know as Carla took a break from the high performance, fast paced world of Squibs to join the IC37 team representing the club at the Rolex NYYC Invitational Cup. The Saturday Series 3 prize went to the Tears for Fears duo, Niall Monks and Cormac Ross. In the Saturday Series HPH, prizes went to Mary Faherty and Linda Darbey (Absolutely Fabulous) for Series 1, Niall and Cormac for Series 2 and Jeff and Stephen Kay (Chatterbox) for series 3.
2024 is promising to see another swell in numbers with the return of 3point9, O’Leary and Halloween to club racing and, with HYC hosting the Squib Irish Championships in August, we hope to continue our success in attracting visitors to the Lambay Races and Autumn League.
Article by Class Captain Tom O'Reilly "Cool Beans"