Brass Monkeys Spring Series Starts Sunday January 28th

A reminder, the Brass Monkeys Spring Series starts on Sunday week 28th January once again and is kindly sponsored by the Bright Motor Group with special prizes from the Brass Monkeys Restaurant. Our New Years Day Race in aid of the RNLI, had 4 entries with only 3 starters. The Race was run in 8-12 knots South Easterly Winds which gave boats a good sail.
Insider, with the young blood onboard, got the gun and was the overall winner. They were closely followed by Mary Ellen (who was OCS but paid the penalty) in 2nd and Out & About in 3rd place - I understand they had a bit of an altercation before the start which knocked their coffees about.
Hopefully, next New Year's Day more boats will be persuaded to participate in a fun couple of spins around the island followed by a drink or two in the club afterwards - no better way to start a new year!
Sunday week we are expecting the weather to return to our warm westerlies and sunny mornings.
Entries for the Bright Motor Group spring series can be found here.
Credits: Report kindly provided by Pat Connolly