Howth ROMEOs Christmas Lunch

Gerry O’Neill, with the help of Gerry Sargent, organised a great Christmas lunch in the Club on Friday 16th last.
Preceding the lunch, there was a superb presentation of the “Howth Goats,” given by Melissa Mulranny and assisted by Dougal Cousins.At the conclusion of the presentation Gerry thanked Melissa and Dougal for giving us such an informative insight into the work and benefits of the goats on Howth Head after which he made a presentation to Melissa for the “Howth Goat Fund.”
Over 60 “ROMEOS” attended the lunch and as the evening progressed, the “CRAIC” became unsurpassable, with stories being heard on each table group.
Noel Keenan who, at 94, is the oldest “ROMEO” was given a very warm welcome by all.
A guest at the lunch was Peter O’Brien who as skipper of the ARAN ISLANDS AND CLIFFS OF MOHER DAY TOUR ferry gave the “ROMEOS” a memorable day out in April last.
All the Retired Old Men look forward to Eating Out during the 2023 programme.
For the full gallery of photos, please click here.
--- Report and photos by “ROMEO” Pat Murphy